A developer by hobby, passionate in User Interface and User Experience designing with a Professional experience of 1 year in UI development and OpenText's Cordys. I love to create programs because, it's fun! . I also love to learn new methods and technologies that make UI/UX designing better.
I like to take photos too..
Angular JS
I also have a good experience in C#, good knowledge in porgramming languages like C, C++, PHP, J2EE and SQL and good knowledge in using tools like Visual Studio, php myadmin, github and svn.
Clock Alert
A Clock that chimes every hour
Clock alert is a windows application. The application sits in the system tray and chimes every hour to help computer users and prevent them to loose track of time when working/playing in it.
Turnoff Display
A quick way to turn off your display
Turnoff display is also a windows application that helps users of devices with integrated display like laptops to turnoff their display to save power.